Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

17 Month Update

Looking at my little daughter,and seeing what she has been up to recently is making me write this post.Not that I have been writing regularly,which I would love to but am not able to.....since I hardly get around to check my email and respond.The only time I sit in front of the computer is in the mornings and afternoons when she is napping.I don't like to browse in the evenings or night time when I can spend that time with hubby.

Going back to the reason for this post,I feel Miss D is doing/saying a lot of new things in the past month than any other other time.She has been picking up on almost everything we say.

Vocab:She can say around 15 words.She can immitate sounds of 5 different animals.She knows when to say 'akka' and 'anna'.If she sees food in a book,she tries to take a piece and put it in her mouth:-)She did that with strawberries.

Activity:She can point at different objects in a book when asked,and will say the names of things when pointed to.HORSE still remains her favorite.She climbs anything and everything and does not stop at that,she starts dancing after climbing either the sofa,or the coffee table or the bed.

Sleeping:There is a change in the way she falls asleep,a big one.Does not want to be rocked any more,ya....I can't believe it,I thought I would be rocking her until she went to first grade.She has her milk and lies down on the bed,sucks her thumb,and dozes off slowly turning and tossing.It is a big relief.

Eating:She has been a good eater right from the start and has not changed much.A good change is her fruit eating habit,she never used to eat fruits other than a banana once in a while,but from the last couple of weeks she has been eating water melon,strawberries and oranges.Her dad has never been and is still not a good fruit eater,so hoping she does not get that from him:-)

Dancing: I have to make this a separate category,since this girl just LOVES to move her body.It does not have to be an actual can vary from a mini song from a commercial or a ring tone from a cell phone or any other tune that has some music.Her current favorite is the song 'Tara Rum Pum Pum' from the same movie.

All in all,she is our main source of entertainment & does things the whole day that are way too cute:-)God knows how I would spend my day with out her running around in front of my eyes:-)Love You D !!!


Sunita Venkatachalam said...

OMG what adorable pictures. I got to see her booty dance when we meet ! I was laughing so hard at the one where's she's holding the broom. Why do they love it so much?

Miss D Mom(MDM) said...

I dont know why they love shoes,brooms&mops,garbage cans!

Sunita said...

Hey, my peapod and Miss D are the same age!! How did I miss this before. very Cute pics!!!

Miss D Mom(MDM) said...

Thanks Sunita,welcome!Oh,I have been to your blog,never noticed that they are of the same age.Its a nice blog you have there.The vacation pictures look wonderful,seems like a lovely place.